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About Us
NICE-Nice Institute of Career Education Pvt. Ltd., is one of the Pioneer Computer Training Institute of Odisha for ‘IT Education’. NICE is a corporate entity with Regd. Office at Sambalpur (Odisha). It has a nationwide network of e-connected authorized training centers across Odisha.
NICE was founded in Sambalpur by Young & Dynamic, Technocrat Entrepreneur Shri Gautam Kumar Das. The Advisory Board, Board of Directors and Board of Studies of NICE consist of eminent personalities from various walks of life renowned in their respective fields. It is a unique combination of academicians, management consultants, legal stalwarts, accountants and technocrats.
NICE believes in the principle that high quality human resources are an education and training organization’s greatest asset. In short, it is a professionally managed model company.
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- (+93) Afghanistan
- (+355) Albania
- (+213) Algeria
- (+1) American Samoa
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- (+1) Barbados
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- (+32) Belgium
- (+501) Belize
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- (+1) Bermuda
- (+975) Bhutan
- (+591) Bolivia
- (+599) Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
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- (+267) Botswana
- (+55) Brazil
- (+246) British Indian Ocean Territory
- (+1) British Virgin Islands
- (+673) Brunei
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- (+226) Burkina Faso
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- (+682) Cook Islands
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- (+599) Curaçao
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- (+420) Czech Republic
- (+243) Democratic Republic of the Congo
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- (+253) Djibouti
- (+1) Dominica
- (+1) Dominican Republic
- (+593) Ecuador
- (+20) Egypt
- (+503) El Salvador
- (+240) Equatorial Guinea
- (+291) Eritrea
- (+372) Estonia
- (+251) Ethiopia
- (+500) Falkland Islands
- (+298) Faroe Islands
- (+691) Federated States of Micronesia
- (+679) Fiji
- (+358) Finland
- (+33) France
- (+594) French Guiana
- (+689) French Polynesia
- (+241) Gabon
- (+995) Georgia
- (+49) Germany
- (+233) Ghana
- (+350) Gibraltar
- (+30) Greece
- (+299) Greenland
- (+1) Grenada
- (+590) Guadeloupe
- (+1) Guam
- (+502) Guatemala
- (+44) Guernsey
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- (+245) Guinea-Bissau
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- (+686) Kiribati
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- (+996) Kyrgyzstan
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- (+371) Latvia
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- (+266) Lesotho
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- (+853) Macau
- (+389) Macedonia
- (+261) Madagascar
- (+265) Malawi
- (+60) Malaysia
- (+960) Maldives
- (+223) Mali
- (+356) Malta
- (+692) Marshall Islands
- (+596) Martinique
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- (+230) Mauritius
- (+262) Mayotte
- (+52) Mexico
- (+373) Moldova
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- (+976) Mongolia
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- (+1) Montserrat
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- (+258) Mozambique
- (+95) Myanmar
- (+264) Namibia
- (+674) Nauru
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- (+64) New Zealand
- (+505) Nicaragua
- (+227) Niger
- (+234) Nigeria
- (+683) Niue
- (+672) Norfolk Island
- (+850) North Korea
- (+1) Northern Mariana Islands
- (+47) Norway
- (+968) Oman
- (+92) Pakistan
- (+680) Palau
- (+970) Palestine
- (+507) Panama
- (+675) Papua New Guinea
- (+595) Paraguay
- (+51) Peru
- (+63) Philippines
- (+48) Poland
- (+351) Portugal
- (+1) Puerto Rico
- (+974) Qatar
- (+242) Republic of the Congo
- (+40) Romania
- (+262) Runion
- (+7) Russia
- (+250) Rwanda
- (+290) Saint Helena
- (+1) Saint Kitts and Nevis
- (+508) Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- (+1) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- (+685) Samoa
- (+378) San Marino
- (+239) Sao Tome and Principe
- (+966) Saudi Arabia
- (+221) Senegal
- (+381) Serbia
- (+248) Seychelles
- (+232) Sierra Leone
- (+65) Singapore
- (+1) Sint Maarten
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- (+677) Solomon Islands
- (+252) Somalia
- (+27) South Africa
- (+82) South Korea
- (+211) South Sudan
- (+34) Spain
- (+94) Sri Lanka
- (+1) St. Lucia
- (+249) Sudan
- (+597) Suriname
- (+268) Swaziland
- (+46) Sweden
- (+41) Switzerland
- (+963) Syria
- (+886) Taiwan
- (+992) Tajikistan
- (+255) Tanzania
- (+66) Thailand
- (+1) The Bahamas
- (+220) The Gambia
- (+670) Timor-Leste
- (+228) Togo
- (+690) Tokelau
- (+676) Tonga
- (+1) Trinidad and Tobago
- (+216) Tunisia
- (+90) Turkey
- (+993) Turkmenistan
- (+1) Turks and Caicos Islands
- (+688) Tuvalu
- (+1) U.S. Virgin Islands
- (+256) Uganda
- (+380) Ukraine
- (+971) United Arab Emirates
- (+44) United Kingdom
- (+1) United States
- (+598) Uruguay
- (+998) Uzbekistan
- (+678) Vanuatu
- (+58) Venezuela
- (+84) Vietnam
- (+681) Wallis and Futuna
- (+212) Western Sahara
- (+967) Yemen
- (+260) Zambia
- (+263) Zimbabwe
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